Speeches by Donald Trump

In this section, you can find links to all of the speeches by Donald Trump that we currently offer study guides for. Note that many of his most famous speeches were made before he became President, in connection with his political campaign.  

Trump's speeches

Trump used this 2015 speech to formally declare his intention to run for President. It gives a good overview of the main issues his campaign was based around, and also serves as an early example of his non-standard political rhetoric. The most infamous part of the speech is Trump's highly offensive remarks about Mexican immigrants:

Trump made this speech when he won the nomination to be the Republican candidate for President. Trump outlines his political program and tries to argue that he is a much better candidate than his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton:

Though this speech was made before Trump became President, it provides a good overview of his stance on illegal immigration and border security. He outlines a number of planned policies to prevent illegal immigration, the most important one being the border wall (which he promises Mexico will pay for):

Trump made this speech on the night of the 2016 presidential election, once it had become clear that he was the winner. The speech is unusually restrained and diplomatic compared to many of Trump's other speeches, as he tries to present a message of unity and cooperation:

Trump made this speech when he took office in January 2017. He paints a dark picture of the current state of the US, but promises a brighter future under his leadership. He states that he will make America great and strong once more: