Delprøve 1 | HF Engelsk B | 24. maj 2017

I denne bog kan du få vejledning til Delprøve 1 på HF B-niveau fra d. 24. maj 2017. Vi guider dig gennem alle fem underopgaver og giver dig gode råd og uddybende forklaringer til relevant grammatik undervejs.

Du vil desuden få links til vores Engelsk Grammatik og hjælp til fejlsætninger i løbet af vejledningen, hvis du har brug for yderligere hjælp til et specifikt emne.

Til sidst kan du se vores bud på en besvarelse af opgaverne, så du kan tjekke dine svar. 

Opgaverne, som du kan få hjælp til, er:

Opgave A

Ret fejlene i følgende sætninger. I hver sætning er der 1 eller 2 fejl. Skriv den korrekte sætning på linjerne nedenunder.

  1. Joe and Kate is married but only see each other in Saturdays and Sundays.
  2. Mrs O’Connor did not knew the children were planning a surprise party for her on hers birthday.
  3. Can you borrow me your car tomorrow evening?
  4. Today the most people use the internet to get all kinds of informations.
  5. The bread was more dry than the baker cared to admit.
  6. The waiter was extremely rudely towards the confused tourists.
  7. To the grocer’s relief arrived the police at the shop and arrested the two thiefs.
  8. Even though the chances are very slim, the children still hopes that the circus will return.
  9. Every day he is going to the beach for a morning swim and a espresso at the bar.
  10. The two presidential candidates have teached themself to ignore personal questions.

Opgave B

Indsæt den bestemte artikel (kendeord) eller den ubestemte artikel i sætningerne. Vær opmærksom på, at der ikke skal indsættes en artikel på alle tomme pladser.

Du kan vælge mellem følgende:

the – a – an – (ingenting)

  1. Liza found that ______ assignment the teacher had given her was too difficult, and she gave up after less than ______ hour.
  2. He plays football for ______ San Francisco 49ers.
  3. William plays ______ guitar very well.
  4. This election will hopefully be ______ quickly forgotten incident in ______ history of ______ USA.
  5. One must remember that ______ life is not always ______ fairytale.
  6. Shakespeare is ______ author of Hamlet, which is one of ______ most famous of his plays.
  7. Captain Fantastic lives ______ amazing life with his family in ______ harmony with ______ nature.
  8. Lasse is ______ Swede and his wife is ______ Italian and as ______ consequence their children are bilingual.
  9. ______ wedding ended with ______ newlywed couple driving off in ______ expensive, old Aston Martin.
  10. After they married she decided to become ______ housewife, but later she became ______ author of ______ famous series of erotic novels.

Opgave C

Indsæt den korrekte form af substantivet (navneordet) i parentesen på den tomme plads i sætningen som vist i eksemplet.

Eksempel: One and a half (month) ______ ago, they bought a new car.

One and a half (month) months ago, they bought a new car.

  1. There were 14 (baby) ______ in the ward, nine (boy) ______ and five (girl) ______.
  2. Last year I caught many (fish) ______.
  3. He took many (photo) ______ with his new camera.
  4. In Australia and New Zealand it is not unusual that farmers have more than 1,000 (sheep) ______.
  5. She cut the cake in two (half) ______.
  6. When they move into their new house, they will need more (furniture) ______.
  7. People don’t eat as many (potato) ______ today as they did 30 (year) ______ ago.
  8. I need more (information) ______ and more (money) ______ to do the job properly.
  9. “(Lady) ______ and (gentleman) ______, welcome to tonight’s show!”
  10. After wearing new (shoe) ______, your (foot) ______ may be terribly sore.

Opgave D

Forbind to sætningsdele med hinanden, så du laver meningsfulde sætninger. Hver sætningsdel kan kun anvendes én gang. Skriv dine sætninger på linjerne nedenfor.

Løsningen til den første sætning er givet som eksempel.

1) William is familiar…

2) Michael Phelps, the swimmer, is used…

3) The company manager is very pleased…

4) Marcia is not exactly keen…

5) Archibald had always been hopeless…

6) The public seems to have been confused…

7) Drinking coffee and red wine is good…

8) The kids would be disappointed…

9) Jane told her class that she was very content…

10) Some girls are fascinated…

11) The writer Raymond Carver is famous…

a) for your health, research claims.

b) in their parents if they went to Dubai alone.

c) by cars and airplanes.

d) with the development in sales.

e) by the prime minister’s resignation.

f) with their performance.

g) on visiting her boyfriend’s parents.

h) for his minimalistic style.

i) to winning gold medals.

j) at sports.

k) with how a dog acts in stressful situations.

  1. William is familiar with how a dog acts in stressful situations.
  2. Michael Phelps, the swimmer, is used _____________________________
  3. The company manager is very pleased _____________________________
  4. Marcia is not exactly keen _____________________________________
  5. Archibald had always been hopeless ______________________________
  6. The public seems to have been confused ___________________________
  7. Drinking coffee and red wine is good _____________________________
  8. The kids would be disappointed ________________________________
  9. Jane told her class that she was very content ________________________
  10. Some girls are fascinated _____________________________________
  11. The writer Raymond Carver is famous ____________________________

Opgave E

Oversæt følgende sætninger til engelsk. Skriv oversættelsen på linjerne nedenunder.

  1. Nøglerne ligger stadig på skrivebordet.
  2. Moderen spiste den sidste is i fryseren, inden børnene kom hjem fra skole.
  3. Peters bedsteforældre er taget til Sydafrika for at spille golf i en uge.
  4. Katten har igen været i slagsmål.
  5. I boghandlen købte Francis en spændende bog til sig selv og en kedelig til sin bror.
  6. De kunne ikke købe øl, før færgen var begyndt at sejle.
  7. Blev du færdig med den roman, du læste?
  8. Hver aften låser han døren og lukker vinduerne, inden han går i seng.
  9. Hotellets gæster er vant til at blive behandlet høfligt.
  10. Hannah og hendes søskende er overraskende høje sammenlignet med deres forældre.

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Delprøve 1 | HF Engelsk B | 24. maj 2017

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