
The characters from this excerpt from “Burmese Days” by George Orwell are an English trader named Mr Flory and a Burmese-Indian doctor, Dr Veraswami. The two are friends and regularly meet for discussions, despite holding opposing political views and largely disagreeing on the role of the British Empire in Burma.

Mr Flory and Dr Veraswami seem to enjoy their repeated argument and do not appear to mind that they hold contradictory views. It should be mentioned that their opinions might be somewhat surprising to the readers, as it is Mr Flory, the Englishman, who is anti-imperialistic, and Dr Veraswami who supports the British Empire. Mr Flory comes across as cynical, but practical. Dr Veraswami seems to be suffering from indoctrination and internalized prejudice against his own people.

You can read a full characterization of Mr Flory and Dr Veraswami in the following pages.