
The plot structure of “An Act of Vengeance” by Rosemund J. Handler explores the conflict between Miss C. Bester and Pauline, including tension points. However, the climax is unexpected because it is unrelated to their conflict.

The story features five characters: Pauline, Miss C. Bester (who prefers being called "Mrs" or "Madam") and her baby, and the two rapists. The main character is Pauline, whose perspective is used to convey the events. Pauline comes across as hardworking, disliking her employer Miss C. Bester, and shocked by the events she witnesses.

The setting of the story is South Africa after the end of the apartheid regime. The physical setting is the house of a white employer. The social setting explores aspects related to discrimination, revenge, and parental responsibility.

The story is told by a third-person narrator, focusing on Pauline's point of view. The narrator therefore has limited knowledge about the plot and the other characters.

The language helps convey Pauline’s perspective on the events in a vivid, visual manner. This is achieved through numerous metaphors and similes in relation to the setting and Miss C. Bester.

You can read the full analysis in the following pages.

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Short story analysis

For more advice about analysing short stories, you can read our general guide to short story analysis.