Paper om "UK Riots"

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Eksempelbesvarelse: Paper om "UK Riots"

Her finder du Studienets eksempelbesvarelse af A-opgaven "UK Riots" fra eksamen maj 2012. Her skal du skrive et paper, hvor du besvarer tre forskellige opgaver.

I besvarelsen har Studienets fagredaktør i Engelsk lavet kommentarer til hver delopgave. Her forklarer vi afsnittenes indhold, opbygning og metode, så du kan få inspiration og hjælp til at skrive din egen opgave.

Give an outline of the views on what caused the UK riots presented in texts 1 and 2
Characterise the tone and style used in text 3. Illustrate your answer with examples from the text.
Taking your starting point in one of the texts, discuss how society can prevent similar problems in the future.

BEMÆRK: Dette er en besvarelse af opgaven, lavet med det formål at vise hvordan opgaven er bygget op i forhold til trin for trin vejledningen til paper.

Hent eksempelbesvarelsen nu og få hjælp og inspiration til dit paper om "UK Riots" med det samme.


Slightly different views on what caused the UK riots are presented in texts 1 and 2. In text 1, “Experts Cite Underlying Causes for UK Riots”, Al Pessin focusses on the wrong-doings of the rioters. He emphasizes the exploitation of the situation by many Londoners from African and Caribbean neighborhoods. Through the quotations from observers of the riots, a gloomy picture is painted of a group of people who have taken part in the looting and vandalism just for fun.

The tone in text 3 is very sharp (“The courts must be ruthless”, l. 14), urgent (“Parliament meets tomorrow”, l. 1, “The Sun demands decisive action”, l. 3, “Let's see it applied”, ll. 8-9) and aggressive (“smash the mobs whatever it takes”, l. 5, “tear gas and plastic bullets. They are there to be used.”, ll. 24-25)). It is evident from the tone that The Sun has a very negative attitude towards the rioters (“rioting morons”, l. 14), but also towards the government's handling of the matter (“Britain looks to Parliament to rise to the occasion and provide the leadership we have been lacking”, ll. 34-35).

In text 2, the importance of preventing incidents like the UK riots is underlined. The author argues that it is society's duty to invest in these less privileged groups of people. She points out that society has failed to reach out to these people and thus created a feeling of hopelessness, failure and social exclusion. I agree that such widespread riots must be taken very seriously.
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Paper om "UK Riots"

  • 07-04-2013
    Givet af 3.g'er på STX
    God opgave. Brugte den til inspiration, hvor den var fin.
  • 05-10-2015
    God opgave og stor inspiration til skrivning af en paper
  • 18-06-2015
    Givet af 2.g'er på STX
    Ok notater - gode pointer
  • 04-03-2015
    Rigtig god opgave og god som inspiration