This is England - Analyse i Engelsk

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Filmanalyse: This is England - Analyse i Engelsk

Dette er en analyse af filmen "This Is England" med fokus på karakteristik af Shaun, Lol og Combos forhold, samt titlens og slutscenens symbolik.



‘This Is England' is a film written and directed by the talented Shane Meadows, in the year 2006: But this is not where the movie takes place: We're back in 1983's Great Britain, where Margaret Thatcher rules the country and problems such as poverty and unemployment is affecting especially the northern England – which is the part portrayed in ‘This Is England', and where our main characters live. The plot takes place during the Falkland wars, where Margaret Thatcher used all the countries military forces to keep the small Islands in the Argentinean waters. This is where Shaun's father died.

Shaun is the main character of the movie. He's a 12 year old with a lot of heavy baggage, having to cope with his father's death, and his family living in what we would call poverty. Because of them having no money to buy the “newest clothes”, Shaun has to wear pants that are way out of style, according to him, and the others at school. And therefore he is bullied. It seems like Shaun uses this lack of money as an excuse to let out all his anger on his mom, and you can feel the tense mood, just as you step in doors. Shaun is well into his pre teen years, and you get the feeling, that he is much closed mouthed towards his mother, perhaps because of the fact, that he doesn't have a father, which is important for at boy at his age. This is why you see Shaun looking for a new father figure in the movie, and he does find this, in two different persons, one being Woody, and the other being Combo.
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This is England - Analyse i Engelsk

  • 16-12-2011
    God opgave, hvor du kommer flot rundt omkring de forskellige ting, mén der er nogle fejl, med hensyn til filmen, som du ikke har fået ordentligt fat i.. 1. Citaterne er ikke citeret korrekt.. Joken lyder; How many people can fit in a Mini? – Three in the back, two in the front and your fucking dad in the ashtray!” 2. Shaun løber ikke væk med tårer i øjnene, men slåskampen bliver stoppet af to lærer der tager dem med ind på kontoret. Drengen hedder som mobbede Shaun, hedder Harvey og han bliver straffet (i form af pist, slag) og får ikke lov til at tage til en fest på skolen. 3. Lol, fortryder det hun lavede med Combo, ved at fortælle; "It was the worst night of my life. I have done nothing but try and forget about that night, Combo. [...] No, I was 16. I was pissed off my head. It wasn’t beautiful. - det er meget tydeligt, at hun fortryder det, så der er ikke noget måske der. 4. Shaun løber IKKE væk efter Combo har tævet løs på Milky, men han hjælper Combo så de kan få Milky på hospitalet. Sidste stjerne var kommet med, hvis det ikke var for de få fejl, som alligevel har betydning..
  • 02-11-2009
    Hun kom meget i dybten med hendes mening og filmen, og hvad dens hensigter var. Den bedste inspiration var da hun skriv om Lol og Combos forhold. Der var ikke rigtig nogle mangler i teksten.
  • 09-11-2014
    Givet af 2.g'er på STX
    Meget redegørende for filmens plot og ikke så analyserende i de dybere motiver (coming of age, loss of innocence ect.)
  • 17-06-2014
    Helt fin. Tak for den. det hjalp mig