Economies of the world | Developed and developing countries | IØ

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  • International Økonomi A
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Economies of the world | Developed and developing countries | IØ

Dette er en opgave i International Økonomi A, med fokus på økonomier i verden, herunder Danmark og Uganda, samt hvilken forskel man kan se på industri- og udviklingslande. Opgaven er skrevet på engelsk.

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Well done! A very high level of written academic work. You demonstrate mastering of formalities, analytical skills, reflections, balancing of information and work on a high analytical level. 12 (a big one)


Assignment 1. Describe and account for the economic challenges from the perspective Denmark and Uganda, representing a developed and developing country respectively. 2
Assignment 2: List reasons to an unbalance between injections and leakages in the circular flow of income in a developing country. What happens to the macroeconomic equilibrium when the one of the injections rises more than the leakages and vice versa? 5
Assignment 3: Compare the economies of Denmark and Uganda based on the national GDP and key figures in appendix 2 and 3. 7
Assignment 4: Discuss Ugandas economic challenges in the light of creating efficient, inclusive and sustainable growth in appendix 4 11
Assignment 5: What are the strengths and weaknesses of Denmarks' competiveness in terms of price and structure competiveness and the tendencies expressed in appendix 5? Further, list some of the benefits of the various international memberships supporting Denmark's international trade and cooperation. 12
Weaknesses 13
Strengths 14
WTO 14
IMF 15
Appendix 17
Appendix 1: Deflationary Gap 17
List of sources 18


There are several economic challenges from the perspective Denmark and Uganda.
In order to describe the economic challenges, we can take advantage of Rostow's theory and Porter's three development stages.

Rostow's theory is a theory of modernization development. It describes which steps a country needs in order to reach a modernized state. These steps include:
1. The traditional society (Agriculture and handcraft, self-sufficient, no industrialization)
2. Pre-conditions for Take Off (Fundamentals for take-off, saving money, smaller industrial companies, start of a political system and institutional structures)
Take Off (Turning point, thorough industrialization, 10% of GDP used on...
From Blink and Dorton, 2012 we know that injections include investment, exports and government spending, where leakages include saving, imports and taxes. Leakages and injections occur in the circular flow of income, which shows a nation's economy.

An economy is in an equilibrium state when the rate of injections is equal to the rate of leakages. However, there can be an unbalance between injections and leakages, which I will discuss. I will have examples with Denmark and developing countries.

A reason for an unbalance between injections and leakages could be if the rate of export decreases and thus, fewer injections will occur. A reason for this can be political problems with the countries that purchase our products, which can lead to a trade barrier. For instance, the current situation is that there is no trade between EU and Russia since EU wants to punish Russia for entering Ukraine and take over the country. The boy cut effects the Danish exports very negatively, as Denmark exports to Russia and Russia is actually Denmark's fifth biggest purchaser of Danish pork. In the third quarter in 2013, Denmark experienced that their export to Russia had decreased by 18% and their total exports have decreased by 1,1%. This will affect the...
The population in Uganda is developing rapidly, much more than the growth of job opportunities. The article: “Getting Ugandan Cities to work: Achieving Efficient, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth” (Appendix 4), states: “A fast-growing population without corresponding job growth is one of the challenges that comes with rapid urbanization.” This is definitely an economic challenge of Uganda, which prevents them from creating efficient, inclusive and sustainable growth. In order to create growth, they need to reach the next stages when looking at the theories of Rostow and Porter. If this should succeed, they would need to create jobs where they are able to create innovation, which is definitely the key word in this case. The challenge is especially in the bigger cities because people continuously move to the city where... Køb adgang for at læse mere

Economies of the world | Developed and developing countries | IØ

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