Analyse af Dead Poets Society

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Analyse af Dead Poets Society

Her kan du få inspiration til en analyse af romanen "Dead Poets Society". Opgaven består af resume, dybdegående analyse, personkarakteristik af Neil og Todd samt fokus på bogen/filmens hovedtema.


Dead Poets Society

The novel Dead Poets Society is written by N.H. Kleinbaum and was originally made as a film, but was later also altered into a book. The novel has made such a big impact on the whole world that it has been seriously studied and analysed throughout countless schools and universities all over our planet.
The book has been written upon the film, so they are very similar to each other, almost alike, but not confusing anybody, I'll mainly concentrate on the book.

We are located in Welton Academy, Vermont, U.S.A., a school based on discipline, honor, tradition and excellence. Welton Academy is primarily for bright and knowledgeable young boys. And absolutely no girls or women are allowed to be on the school.
A little group of boys are constantly followed. It's a group consisting of many different-minded boys: Neil Perry, Todd Andersen, Knox Overstreet, Charles Dalton, Richard Cameron and Steven Meeks. The boys are all put on the school by their parents, and were most likely not asked if they wanted to go there or not. They have all been given a room and a roommate that they will be living with throughout the semester.

The boys on the school are continuously pushed to the limit in terms of literal work. They are endlessly being tested in mathematics, Latin grammar and reports, and have been told strictly to follow the rules of the school. In their endless studying, and not much fun and entertainment at all, they all become very restless and tired of school. But they soon meet and get to know Mr. Keating, who is a different kind of teacher and person compared with Dr. Hager and McAllister. Mr. Keating brings light and joy into the boys' everyday schoolwork and studying. He does his teaching in a whole unusual, but exciting way for the boys, and they really seem to enjoy it. He makes them see the world and the life in a whole different way, and make them see the possibilities in life.
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Analyse af Dead Poets Society

  • 04-10-2012
    lige hvad jeg skulle bruge! Rigtig god analyse :-))
  • 27-09-2012
    Givet af Studerende på 3. år
    virkelig god hjælp :) tusind tak
  • 15-05-2013
    Givet af HHX-elev på 2. år
    jfjfjffjffjffjfjfs arg maaaaan
  • 08-10-2012
    Givet af Folkeskoleelev i 9. klasse
    Rigtigt god opgave,,,,,,,,,,,,,