Delprøve 1 Engelsk A Aug 2010 (HHX) - Vejledende Besvarelse

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Delprøve 1 Engelsk A Aug 2010 (HHX) - Vejledende Besvarelse

Denne vejledende besvarelse vil give dig løsningen på delprøve 1 august 2010, og vil derudover gennemgå de forskellige opgaver, og forklare dig hvad du skal være særligt opmærksom på i dit arbejde med dem.

Besvarelsen kan derfor hjælpe dig med at forberede dig til den endelige eksamen, da mange af elementerne går igen fra eksamen til eksamen.

Dvs. jo flere udvidede vejledende besvarelser du har læst og arbejdet med, jo bedre chancer vil du have til den endelige eksamen - lidt ligesom teoriprøven til kørekort.


  • Opgave A (Med kommentarer + video)
    1. Why did they sent him to a boarding school?
    2. The financial crisis resulted in that many firms went bankrupt.
    3. The tourists in India was very shocked at seeing so many poor people.
    4. The representative which had to leave the company had stolen some money.
    5. Global warming is one of the worlds most serious problems.
    6. He never has had the time to visit his grandparents.
    7. Recently he bought two furnitures for his new flat.
    8. Hardworking employees usual get high wages.
  • Opgave B (Med kommentarer)
    1. Do you know ___ brother from London? (her/hers)
    2. Will you please send ___ address to me before I leave? (their/theirs)
    3. I hope you will change your mind, but the decision is ___. (your/yours)
    4. In India I met many poor people ____ (who/which) were asking for money.
    5. The company ___ sales had decreased has gone bankrupt. (whose/which)
    6. The radio ___ (which/who) we gave ___ (our/ours) daughter was damaged.
    7. The manager to ___ (who/whom) he referred had been dismissed.
    8. It is not my fault that he made a fool of himself; it is ___ . (your/yours)
  • Opgave C (Med kommentarer)
    1. The last time world leaders talked about halting global warming, in Kyoto in 1997, they lacked a consensus. The U.S. Senate had spurned the talks by a vote of 95-0, eliminating any chance that the United States, then the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, would take a leadership role. And China, soon to become the biggest emitter, was exempt from having to make painful cuts. As we move toward new talks in December in Copenhagen, the key players seem to be engaged for the first time. In the United States, the Waxman—Markey bill, which aims to aggressively cap and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, has passed the House and is awaiting action in the Senate. The big worry now is that the planet may not adhere to the diplomatic timetable.
      When it comes to climate, what counts is not only what humans do to reduce the buildup of greenhouse gases, but also how the earth responds. Currently half the carbon we release into the atmosphere gets absorbed by land and sea—much of it by plants, which take in carbondioxide in the process of photosynthesis. This cycle has the potential to change at any time, and the consequences could dwarf any measures agreed to at Copenhagen to halt the temperature rise.

    2. Verber (udsagnsord):
    3. Verbum: talked - Tid:
    4. Verbum: had spurned - Tid:
    5. Verbum: would take - Tid:
    6. Verbum: was - Tid:
    7. Verbum: move - Tid:
    8. Verbum: seem - Tid:
    9. Verbum: is awaiting - Tid:
    10. Verbum: comes - Tid:
  • Opgave D (Med kommentarer)
    1. Efter jeg kom hjem fra et ophold på Deres hotel fra den 10.-17. maj, opdagede jeg, at jeg havde glemt min mobiloplader til en Nokia-telefon E66...


1. Why did they sent him to a boarding school

Korrekte sætning: Why did they send him to a boarding school.

Fejl: forkert bøjning af udsagnsord

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Delprøve 1 Engelsk A Aug 2010 (HHX) - Vejledende Besvarelse

  • 09-03-2011
    God besvarelse, som giver en god forståelse for grammatiken, som ellers kan være ret svær for mig at huske - delprøven giver klart nogle "lette huskeregler" for grammatiken, samt illustrerer godt hvad man bør være opmærksom på!!
  • 20-04-2011
    Det er dejligt at kunne se nogle vejledende besvarelser hvis man ligesom mig har lidt svært ved at forstå grammatikken En super opgave
  • 15-04-2015
    Givet af HHX-elev på 2. år
    Fantastisk, super god hjælp til forståelse af grammatikken!
  • 09-05-2013
    Givet af HHX-elev på 3. år
    God opgave! stor hjælp