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Novelleanalyse: Crickets

Forbered dig til mundtlig eksamen i engelsk med Studienets study guide til novellen "Crickets" af Robert Olen Butler.

Denne study guide gennemgår de centrale dele, som du skal komme ind på til den mundtlige eksamen. Temaet for denne study guide er 'immigration'. Handlingen, situationer, karakterer og citater, med relevans for novellen, er i denne study guide analyseret og fortolket. Derudover giver vi dig også en gloseliste til teksten.

Denne study guide kan altså være en hjælpende hånd for dig i din forberedelse til den mundtlige eksamen i engelsk.


1. Key facts 1
2. Summary of the text 1
3. Maincharacters explained 2
4. Values in life 4
5. Themes and symbols 5
6. The text put into perspective 6
7. Other themes 6
8. Glossary for the text 7


Key facts
Title: “Crickets”
Author: Robert Olen Butler
Type of work: short story
Publshed: 1993

Together with his wife Mr. Thieu fled from Vietnam to the USA. He was 18 during the Vietnam War and even though he was young, he kept fighting against the invaders. He ended up escaping to Louisiana. Thieu works as a chemical engineer at a refinery, where his co-workers call him Ted. Even though he isn't proud of his real name, this nickname bothers him even more.

Main characters explained
Mr Thieu/Ted Name and identity
Vietnamese name
The main character and narrator in the short story is Mr. Thieu. He is not very happy about this name because it is the same as the former President of the former Republic of Vietnam. Despite of this, he does, however, prefer the name Mr Thieu to the nickname Ted, given to him by his colleagues:
“They call me Ted where I work and they've called me that for over a decade now and it still bothers me, though I'm not very happy about my real name being the same as the former President of the former Republic of Vietnam” (p. 24, ll. 34-37).

Values in life
Mr. Thieu and his son Bill have very different values and their view upon what is important in life is very different. Mr Thieu represents the Vietnamese values while Bill is almost completely assimilated in the American society and does not appreciate any of his father's values:

Themes and symbols
Immigration and integration
The main themes in the short story are immigration and integration. The main character Mr. Thieu has emigrated from Vietnam to the US and therefore he is attached to both places. His son Bill, however, is not interested in the Vietnamese culture, but is very proud that he was born in America. Mr. Thieu thinks that his son is too assimilated in Western society and tries to teach him a Vietnamese game. However, he ends up accepting that there is nothing he can do about his son being integrated in the new culture.

There are different ways of putting the text into perspective.
Discussion – Is assimilation a good thing?
Mr. Thieu does not want his boy to get completely assimilated into the American society. In the end, however, he accepts that there are certain things he cannot change. Consider:
To what extend can you control and direct how your child's life should be?
Is assimilation a good thing?
 Should cultural differences be equalized?... Køb adgang for at læse mere


  • 07-12-2011
    Opgaven er utrolig brugbar. Har de centrale punkter med, som man skal bruge. Ikke for meget tekst, ikke ok sprog
  • 21-05-2013
    Givet af HFe-elev på 1. år
    Den er intet mindre end fantastisk! Den er meget let overskuelig, det centrale i historien er med.
  • 30-05-2016
    Givet af HF-elev på 2. år
    Super hjælp og inspiration til min mundtlige engelsk eksamen.
  • 11-02-2016
    Givet af 3.g'er på STX
    Gode noter. Hjalp meget