Paper om "Attitudes to Race in Obama's America"

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Eksempelbesvarelse: Paper om "Attitudes to Race in Obama's America"

Studienets kommenterede eksempelbesvarelse af A-opgaven (paper) i eksamenssættet "Attitudes to Race in Obama's America" for Engelsk B på STX fra august 2010.

Vores eksempelbesvarelse besvarer alle tre delopgaver i A-opgaven, samtidig med, at vi undervejs forklarer hvorfor vi gør, som vi gør. Vi giver dig også tips og tricks til, hvad du kan inkludere i din egen opgave.


  1. Give an outline of the different attitudes to the situation of African Americans presented in texts 1, 2 and 3.
  2. Compare style, such as language and tone, in texts 1 and 2.
  3. Taking your starting point in one of the texts, argue for your own view of the situation of African Americans today.
En kommenteret eksempelbesvarelse
I besvarelsen er der lavet kommentarer til hvert afsnit, hvori afsnittets indhold og metode forklares. På den måde kan du hele tiden følge med i, hvordan der er gået frem, så du selv kan lære at gøre det samme.

BEMÆRK: Dette er en eksempelbesvarelse af opgaven, lavet med det formål at vise hvordan opgaven er bygget op i forhold til trin for trin vejledningen til paper B-niveau.


1. Outline
2. Comparison of style in texts 1 and 2
3. Discussion


1. Outline
The attitudes to the situation of African Americans in the three texts differ. In the commentary, “Black is being seen in a whole new light”, Yolanda Young argues that, with Barack Obama as the first black president of the U.S., the road is paved for a new and more encouraging situation for black Americans. Young herself is experiencing a lot more positive attention because of the fact that she looks like Michelle Obama. Furthermore, because of the unique position of the Obamas, Blacks are generally being seen in a whole new and more positive light, and according to Young this has started a process that will, in time, give rise to a growing black self-esteem.

2. Comparision of style in texts 1 and 2
The differences between style in texts 1 and 2 are rather big. Yolanda Young's commentary is a text with a personal and relaxed language and tone, whereas Eric Holders speech uses a solemn and patriotic tone and a more objective language. Young begins and ends her text with very personal statements, ”I've had to be vigilant about maintaining a positive self-image […] Now that a woman who looks like me is living in the White House […] that struggle is not so hard” (ll.29-33). The frequent use of “I” in particular shows her subjective language and tone. This makes her text seem real and concrete, and her personal style is one that readers can relate to.

3. Discussion
According to Young in her commentary, “Black is being seen in a whole new light” the situation for Black Americans today is rather positive. It is her experience that with the Obamas being in the White House, people tend to look at black people in a new and more positive manner. She even talks of “a cultural paradigm shift” (ll. 7-8), and she foresees that the self-esteem of Blacks will grow as a consequence of all this.
I tend to agree with Young in her analysis of the current situation of African Americans. Of course, all Blacks do not look like Michelle Obama as Young does, but still, I believe that the positive influence of the presidency of Obama will be felt.
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Paper om "Attitudes to Race in Obama's America"

  • 25-10-2011
    Givet af 2.g'er på STX
    Jeg brugte opgaven til at finde inspiration til hvordan min skulle bygges op, da jeg synes opbygningen var god. Besvarelsen til opgave 1 gav mig mest inspiration, da det var her, jeg var lidt lost i min egen.
  • 01-06-2012
    Super stort hjælp til skriftlig eksamen. Godt at se hvordan opgaven skal struktureres.
  • 26-08-2014
    Virkelig god, hjælper en til at komme igang med sin egen.
  • 22-04-2014
    God til inspiration!