Analyse af "Hard Times"

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Analyse af "Hard Times"

Dette er en analyse og fortolkning af et romanuddrag fra "Hard Times" af Charles Dickens.

Opgaven indeholer en beskrivelse af Charles Dickens' egen måde at se skolesystemet dengang på, og hans måde at se børns tankegang på.

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Godt! Dickens benytter sig af satire for at udtrykke sig kritisk.
God fluency, kun få sproglige fejl.


The story hard times takes place in a very big classroom, filled with student. The boys sit at one side of the room, and the girls at the other side. The children are very polite; they answer every question with ‘sir' and the girl Sissy curtseys every time she answers. Mr. Gradgrind is primarily the teacher who talks to the students. Mr. M'choakumchild is a new teacher, and he is at Mr. Gradgrinds class, so he can see how to teach. And in the end, he takes over teaching, so he can try what it is like, and whether or not he can handle the job. The inspector is there to observe how Mr. M'choakumchild manages teaching the children. In a way, the scenario we follow is Mr. M'choakumchilds final test, to prove that he is able to teach a whole classroom of student, all by himself.

Mr. Gradgrind is asking the students questions, and it is very clear that he doesn't have any kind of relationship with them; he doesn't even know their names. He calls one of the girls ‘Girl number twenty'. When he finds out what her name is, his response is that that is not a real name. So he decides that she must call herself Cecilia instead of Sissy.
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Analyse af "Hard Times"

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