
The analysis of the short story “Tell the Women We’re Going” by Raymond Carver shows that it follows a linear plot structure. The major conflict of the story is internal, but it becomes an external conflict at the end.

The main characters are Jerry Roberts and Bill Jamison, who are old friends and still see each other often. The other characters are the girls on bikes, Sharon and Barbara, who end up murdered by Jerry. Carol and Linda, the wives of Bill and Jerry, are the “women” the title refers to.

The events are set in Yakima County in the state of Washington, USA. In particular, the story refers to Jerry’s house in the town of Gleed, the Rec Center, and Picture Rock, where the girls are killed. The social setting explores the idea of friendship, marital responsibilities, and the objectification of women.

The story is told from the point of view of a third-person narrator. Except for on short scene, the reader is given no access into Jerry’s thoughts and feelings, even though the inner conflict appears to be Jerry’s.

The language is casual and informal, focusing on straightforward descriptions of the characters’ actions. Narration is mixed with dialogue, including slang terms.

You can read a more detailed analysis in the following pages.

Short story analysis

I denne vejledning får du Studienets hjælp til at analysere noveller (short stories) i engelsk.